My future job

 The kind of job that I want to do in the future is forensic anthropology. I imagine that I will help in the criminal cases, investigating corpses and skeletons to determinate the death cause. I am not sure that is the real job of the forensic anthropology but I hope that will is.

I hope that the forensic anthropology have equal time in outdoor job and indoors job. I don't like stay in one type of job for too much time, the indoors job above all. That's why i want to travel too much in my job, independent if it only within the city because at least I watch a lot of places and cases, avoiding the indoors job.

The only problem that I have with my "future job" is that I don't know what is the salary. I search in multiple internet pages but the information is from other countrys, not Chile. I hope that the salary be enough for living.

To dedicate for this job I need to take the specialization of physic anthropology that will give me the knowlegde of biology to be a forensic anthropologist.

However this is not a decision already made. I have another option that is be a professor of history but not is my principal option for the future because I don't want to do the PTU again so the forensic anthropology is the future job that I want.


  1. Before I get into university I also wanted to be a forensic anthropologist because I think it's like investigating "criminal minds" cases.

  2. Good: You must say wil be, not will is. Also, I cannot stay indoor for long time...independently if there is in the city.....In order to do this job I have to take subjects such as biology, become a forensic anthropologist.


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