Changes to my study program

 The curriculum of Anthropology only have one big problem in my opinion and is the relevance that have subject about culture and society in the first years. I know that the reason behind this is beacuse Anthropology is a social science and the curriculum has to focus on that. However, the carrer also have a lot of people that has a special interest in the physical anthropology and the curriculum haven't subjects about that until the fourth semester in second year. 

The workload is correct in the majories of subjects in the carrer because the professors have a good posture about change some homework or tests delivery days. About the lenght of studies I don't have any opinion because I took my own time for study, somedays I don't study nothing and other days I study and read the books.

I have never go to  my faculty but the facility that I want more that any others is the library, this facility will help me to  obtain and read the books also study better that in my home so I hope that my faculty have a good library. Besides I want to use the gym that the campus Juan Gomez Milla has and know the sports that the people do inside.

Anyways, I think that the curriculum of my carrer is very good and allows a lot of options for any subjects that the people want: Physic Anthropology, Social Anthropology and Archeology. In future years I hope the electives will make the carrer more fun and interesting
