Postgraduate Studies

 The postgraduate studies that I want to do when I finish the carrer of Anthropology and I specialize in Physic Anthropology it will be a master's degree in criminalistic. This election is because I want to work like a forensic anthropology and help in criminal cases and in criminalistic I will learn the thecniques and how to investigate the criminal cases to discover the protagonist and how the crimes were commited. 

As I said before, the subjetcs that I want to learn the subjects about the thecniques, theories and how to ivestigate all the criminal cases that will be a plus to the things that I will learn in Physic Anthropology.

I will like to still study in Chile, I know that in the foreign are better university and best teaching methods, but I feel more comfortable and secure be studying in my natal country. Anyways, I do not rule out the possibility of studying abroad at some point.

Also hoping that the pandemic end soon, I will like to study in presencial class and have a part-time course to do a some job to gain a few of money while I'm studying.
